About Us

Smile Movement is a worldwide campaign to keep doing random act of kindness to anyone in need. This movement is not particular to one group. In fact there are already similar movements around the world. All activities and programs on this site can be adopted or participated by anyone.

The team maintaining this site called themselves Smile movers and legally registered under the name S.M.I.L.E. Movement, Inc. They are based in Baguio and Cordillera region in the Philippines. This site contains their activities and programs. Part of their activities is to adopt programs that can be implemented locally. An example is the pay-it-forward smile card that began in September 2003. See more description here. It was described as follows: "They are markers of a newfangled game of tag, where "you're it" because someone has done something nice for you. Then it's your turn to do something nice for someone else and, in the process, pass the card along. This is a game of pay-it-forward: anonymously make someone smile, leave behind a card asking them to keep the ripple going."

During the local movement's launching last October 16, 2012, they went further from just giving smile cards to the people they helped. The launching of the group was accompanied by a creation of a library in the cold mountains of Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet.

They have also started the “smile” poster. See example here. The poster is given to members to post in their establishment to encourage people do random act of kindness and to remind them to do their service with a smile.

The group's regular activity is the creation of libraries in isolated schools in the Cordillera to help the children improve their education. They have also started a public library in the heart of Baguio City.

Another project is a creation of a theme park from a once barren part of a mountainside. The park will be called Badiwan Hobbitat, a park to promote environmental activities.

We also intend to publish on this site inspiring experiences of individuals who have received or have given random act of kindness.

The abbreviated S.M.I.L.E. means “Sharing My Inspiring Love Expressions.”

Real life inspiring stories can be sent to smilemovement.ph@gmail.com. Let's help make the world better, One Smile at a time.

All articles, unless stated otherwise are written by blog admin Carl C. Taawan, also known as baguio smile.

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